Escarlens Road To The White House
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Romney vs. Gingrich
With Herman Cain out of the race many believe and polls currently show that in the long run the race might be Newt Gingrich vs. Mitt Romney. This video above shows the flip flopping but more importantly give the sense of Newt and Mitt who will probably be head to head in the near future trying to win over citizens votes.
Newt Gingrich leads in the National GOP Poll with for the Republican Presidential Nomination with 26.6 % of the votes. Mitt Romney was slightly below with 20.4 percent of the votes but now holding at 16 with Ron Paul above him. Mitt Romney has primarily held the top spot for a while and with consistency and when he decreases only does into the 2nd. This is Newt Gingrich’s first time being a front runner during this campaign and signs have shown that no one else but Romney have been able to stay on top for long.
With Herman Cain’s accusations of adultery and sexual assault this is a time for these two candidates to shine over his voters and take them under their wing. Although Herman Cain is the only one that ahs left the race people say that is narrowing down to a two man race being Romney and Gingrich. Ron Paul has also risen lately over taking Romney’s 2nd places and knocking him down to 3rd. Yet people still say that this is a Romney and Gingrich race.
People say Gingrich needs to take action in his campaign if he wants to remain on top. He recently opened up his first campaign office in Iowa, which is late compared to all other candidate especially past front-runners. Iowa governor also questions if he “delivers” as a candidate and speaker. Yet Gingrich’s sudden rise from the depths of the bottom is what is especially striking and hopeful for him.
Ron Paul was failed to be mentioned in the media but at 2nd place he is rising and his hard work is starting to pay off. It would be very interesting to see Ron Paul, as the front-runner who most say is the one deserving of the spot. Although most news channels and reporters discuss Gingrich and Romney the ones who will be head to head Romney should be a part of that analogy.
On CNN’s State of The Union Ron Paul gave his take of the campaign so far.
“Of course it is very encouraging because we’re getting pretty close to it being within the margin of error,” Paul said. “So, I think we continue to do what we’re doing. We’ve had the flavors of the month up and down so far in this campaign. I’d like to think of myself as the flavor of the decade.”
In a month Iowa will cast their votes and pick their bid for the presidential nomination. Time is approaching and these three candidates have become the top three picks of the nation presidential candidates. One of these 3 GOP nominees could possibly be the next President of the United States of America.
No Cain Train
Herman Cain has suspended his Presidential Campaign after what he says was a distraction to the runners campaign. He was among the front-runners at some point but that declined quickly after allegation of infidelity. He has ended his bid for Presidency in a way that states that if anything we as citizens will be seeing more of him.
Recently Herman Cain was accused of sexual misconduct when he was the CEO of Godfather’s Pizza. May sexual accusations arose towards him. He called them “false accusations” that had no basis and were simply not true in any way. Even though many signs put in a peculiar position he still made it as a front-runner. This shows that Herman Cain had a lot of supporters despite all his bad press.
As a conservative person in the Republican race his stance on abortion was something that would’ve hurt him in the long run. He at one point said that he would leave that to the states, which was not taken lightly by Republican citizens and advocates. He then clarified himself and said that as President he would not help fund plant parenthood and would veto any bill to help the organization.
In a recent Rasmussen Poll 51% of voters agreed that it was right for him to leave the race. A poll was also taken as to why he left to which 45% agreed on his lack of foreign policy knowledge while 43% deemed it to be reference to his sexual allegations. Although Herman Cain’s campaign was suffering and he was facing many distractions, he still held a place in 3rd place, which isn’t the worst decline.

Many people have kind words to say about Herman Cain and actually respected his open mind and ability to speak freely about any matter. Michelle Bachman even stated that he brought a good vibe to the campaign and it would be sad to see him go. Despite his harsh press, Herman Cain was favored by man advocates and entertaining to many spectators. One thing for sure is that the race will not be the same without him. With Herman Cain out it seems as though this will be a battle between Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney as front-runners. The question that lies is who will have the privilege and honor to win over Herman Cain’s voters. In time we will see which candidate has taken the steps to win over their votes and becomes one step closer in being in the next Presidential Race against Barack Obama.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Women for Obama
In the video above, was at the 50th anniversary of the Women Freedom Riders. He honored people that he said helped him on his Road to the White House. By this he means that over 50 years ago Freedom Riders traveled to the south to challenge segregation. If not for this act Barack Obama would not even be President at this moment. Everything that happened to these people endured the civil rights Movement to come about.
During the speech the President stated:
"They believed in a different future for their daughters and for their sons. The Freedom Riders had faith that America could still be perfected. And as has been noted it is only because they did that I am able to stand here as president of the United States of America." He continues: "I promise to keep doing everything I can to help every single American achieve their own piece of the American Dream. It's a promise I'm making as the inheritor of the extraordinary sacrifices that were made by these Freedom Riders."

Barack Obama is taking initiatives to ensure a smooth campaign this upcoming year. He has taken action for the Latin vote and now the female vote. Slowly but surely he is going to attempt every vote. President Barack Obama as the leader of the Nation is still in the lead.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Gingrich on The Rise

Newt Gingrich has strikingly increased in the polls. At one point he was a few of the last in the national polls but since....this has changed.
With great triumph comes the great demise of critical attention. Since his rise Newt Gingrich has been the headliner of many media outlets.
This video above explains all of Newt Gingrich’s scandals that are arising as his campaign rises. As usual constituents have vast opinions on this matter. It seems as though no GOP Presidential candidate is safe from the attacks of the media and American citizens. In essence, no detail of ones life will go unstated or evaluated; especially a Presidential candidates. People sarcastically say, “Thumbs up for separation of corporation and state”. Gingrich was paid over one million for advising the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. It is said that he did no lobbying for the organization but the idea and allegations still remain. He has been under the knife for being a “hypocrite” and stating in the past that people who obtain money from corporations are lobbyist and yet now he is being called out as one as well.
The question that is arising is why is New Gingrich rising in the polls?
Aside form the fact that the other GOP candidates lack authority or decline because of their own misfortunes there are several reasons to his upsurge. His personality seems to be a key factor, as he is viewed as highly charming and approachable. The other factor would be his resume as he has a long line of citizen support. He was very responsible for budget balancing in the 1990s and enacted welfare reform. His important partner was Bill Clinton at the time but that’s an aspect he doesn’t speak of, as it would alter the shine from his accomplishments to him working with the former President. His travel and outspoken advocacy around the nation has proved to be valuable to the candidacy.
Many voter speculations have surfaced about Gingrich. People view him as a wife cheater and this isn’t a good look for a conservative Republican. Many view that him using political influence to make money makes him a lobbyist. Everyone who has been on the top of the GOP pyramid has gotten his or her fare share of gossip and Newt Gingrich is not safe from this.
"I do no lobbying of any kind. I never have. A very important point I want to make. I have never done lobbying of any kind," Gingrich told Fox News Channel.
Newt Gingrich is rising and some may speculate him to be the Mitt Romney’s competition. In time we will see if these allegations that arose about him will affect his campaign. Although he said to have had done no lobbying people will not let this go. The scandal about him handing divorce papers to his wife as she lay in the hospital with cancer is one that will not go over easily. Newt Gingrich has a lot of explaining to do as every other candidate has had to do.
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