In the video above, was at the 50th anniversary of the Women Freedom Riders. He honored people that he said helped him on his Road to the White House. By this he means that over 50 years ago Freedom Riders traveled to the south to challenge segregation. If not for this act Barack Obama would not even be President at this moment. Everything that happened to these people endured the civil rights Movement to come about.
During the speech the President stated:
"They believed in a different future for their daughters and for their sons. The Freedom Riders had faith that America could still be perfected. And as has been noted it is only because they did that I am able to stand here as president of the United States of America." He continues: "I promise to keep doing everything I can to help every single American achieve their own piece of the American Dream. It's a promise I'm making as the inheritor of the extraordinary sacrifices that were made by these Freedom Riders."
Barack Obama has been said to be targeting the female vote lately. He launched a new initiative titled "Women for Obama". In the National Exit Poll, Obama is said to have won by CNN 56% of the female vote. That is a good number for the 2008 presidential election. Considering that his opponent had a female Vice President he won a lot of the votes. This is a trend he not only wishes to keep but nonetheless expand. The first lady is the honorary chair of the group. The task of this would be to expand the female vote across the nation. The goal of Women for Obama is to simply increase participation in the electoral process as a whole. Barack Obama speaks out about how women are the cores of everything in life. He goes to say that we, as women are the heart of this campaign. He sticks to the key term heart and says women are the heart of communities, families, and society as a whole. The group is said to enhance women communication with campaign leadership and to have a key voice in the upcoming campaign. As women are the hearts of many aspects they would be key for campaign strategy.
The reason people feel this strategy will work is because first and foremost women outnumber men in the United States. Men have been allowed to vote ages before women. Although women have been a allowed to vote statistics do show more male voters over the course of time. This will pursue woman to vote and not only vote, but also vote for Barack Obama. Michelle Obama is a strong political figure that appears as an active first lady engages in politics. Her being the head of this group shows how much of a powerful woman she is. This makes women across the nation want power, the power to vote for who will be their leader.
Barack Obama is taking initiatives to ensure a smooth campaign this upcoming year. He has taken action for the Latin vote and now the female vote. Slowly but surely he is going to attempt every vote. President Barack Obama as the leader of the Nation is still in the lead.
In this video one cna see how campaign ads can work against your campaign. Here callers speka out about Herman Cains advertisement that feathers his Chief of Staff smoking a cigarette.
This video is an overview of the Republican Presidential Primary. They speak of Obama and show Rick Perry's ad which, is a direct attack towards him.
This video shows 2010 campaign and attack ads. Campaign ads like the ones here change the dynamics as they directly attack ones opponent.
With great triumph comes the great demise of critical attention. Since his rise Newt Gingrich has been the headliner of many media outlets.
This video above explains all of Newt Gingrich’s scandals that are arising as his campaign rises. As usual constituents have vast opinions on this matter. It seems as though no GOP Presidential candidate is safe from the attacks of the media and American citizens. In essence, no detail of ones life will go unstated or evaluated; especially a Presidential candidates. People sarcastically say, “Thumbs up for separation of corporation and state”. Gingrich was paid over one million for advising the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. It is said that he did no lobbying for the organization but the idea and allegations still remain. He has been under the knife for being a “hypocrite” and stating in the past that people who obtain money from corporations are lobbyist and yet now he is being called out as one as well.
The question that is arising is why is New Gingrich rising in the polls?
Aside form the fact that the other GOP candidates lack authority or decline because of their own misfortunes there are several reasons to his upsurge. His personality seems to be a key factor, as he is viewed as highly charming and approachable. The other factor would be his resume as he has a long line of citizen support. He was very responsible for budget balancing in the 1990s and enacted welfare reform. His important partner was Bill Clinton at the time but that’s an aspect he doesn’t speak of, as it would alter the shine from his accomplishments to him working with the former President. His travel and outspoken advocacy around the nation has proved to be valuable to the candidacy.
Many voter speculations have surfaced about Gingrich. People view him as a wife cheater and this isn’t a good look for a conservative Republican. Many view that him using political influence to make money makes him a lobbyist. Everyone who has been on the top of the GOP pyramid has gotten his or her fare share of gossip and Newt Gingrich is not safe from this.
"I do no lobbying of any kind. I never have. A very important point I want to make. I have never done lobbying of any kind," Gingrich told Fox News Channel.
Newt Gingrich is rising and some may speculate him to be the Mitt Romney’s competition. In time we will see if these allegations that arose about him will affect his campaign. Although he said to have had done no lobbying people will not let this go. The scandal about him handing divorce papers to his wife as she lay in the hospital with cancer is one that will not go over easily. Newt Gingrich has a lot of explaining to do as every other candidate has had to do.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
In this video Ron Paul is giving his opinion on money being spent in the United States at this Republican Presidential Race Debate. Debates allow candidates to furthurmore get their views out to the public and form authoratative connotations.
President Barack Obama and nominee John McCain discuss how they would help the country. The main focus in this portion of the debate is how they would help to improve this economy. This is of vital importance as it shapes your views and portrays what you will do for the country's prosperity as leader.
Republican Presidential Candidates Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich debate economic & social issues
Rick Perry stands 4th in the national poll for the GOP candidates. This former Texas governor once stood strong in first place until people heard him speak. His debates have not helped improve the image of Perry as it could be said that he is not the best debater. Rick Perry himself has poked fun at his down fall by stating, “maybe one day I’ll be a good debater.
Rick Perry’s latest ad is titled, “Rick Perry is a doer, not a talker” and it targets Obama. He states that he is not a “slick politician or a man with vast teleprompter skills” he links this to him not being a speaker but rather someone who gets things done. In a sense this interplays with his lack of authority at Presidential Debates. Commentators say that the money he spent on it was money well spent. The ad totaled $975,000 and began running on November 1st. The initial statement is that he is actually a successful governor and is saying the President Barack Obama is simply a coached politician. Rick Perry seems to be getting the buzz that George Bush has received. “He is funny as hell” “I’d like to grab a beer with that guy” Some people view rick Perry as a funny guy who can’t run a country but wish to see where he goes in the campaign in terms of entertainment. Other advocates are truly pushing for Rick Perry as a candidate. It could be agreed that to the public he seems more of a joke at the moment than anything. Perry talks about his substance and how he has a lot to give to this country. He never fails to talk about his success in Texas in terms of jobs. Rick Perry also point out at the great economy in Texas. Average citizens debate this notion with the ordeals that most job increases went to government and that all the money came from oil.
The last GOP debate did not help Rick Perry in his campaign. Although he has admitted to not doing well perhaps he should have taken time to prepare, as this is an imperative part to campaigning. Million of people at home have to see the tragedy that is Rick Perry’s public speaking and that is not helping. Belo is a video of Rick Perry forgetting his own plans for America.
Rick Perry was discussing in the debate, which three departments he wishes to do away with. It is said that he might have forgotten because there are so many un-important agencies that must be eliminated and some reformed. Others may say that this is not an average stumble and that this is an aspect that makes Rick Perry not equitable to run against Barack Obama. One thing for sure is tha this video is correct on some aspects. Rick Perry is definitely not a talker or a model politician. He has a lot he needs to work on. He states that he is a doer but it can be agreed that to be President of our country you must have the whole package or else you are not moving forward as a nation. Rick Perry still has time to get his act together and his poll ratings up but for him to lead any time soon is unlikely. Rick Perry must learn to be a talker and a doer.
The link above leads you to the GOP national poll. The poll has changed over time but there is something striking about the poll. Mitt Romney is in the lead followed by Herman Cain and then Gingrich. This is a top 3 that could not have been predicted and is quite stunning. It has been rumored that Mitt Romney would be the man on top as it gets closer to the primaries but who knew he’d be number one this soon. It’s taken some time but Herman Cain’s scandal seems to slowly be disintegrating his ratings in the poll.
Mitt Romney does not want to return to his 2008 primaries where he landed in fourth place. It seems as though he will truly end up on top, as spectators seem to say. The problem with Romney seems to be his campaign as a whole. It is said that he has not sent out a signal letter to constituents interested in voting for him or that have been following him over time. Mitt Romney’s staff is a small one that is not enforcing his campaign. He does present himself a lot and speaks publicly but American citizens want more. Where are Mitt Romney’s TV ads? Romney has not been the target of any TV ads and people reaching out to him don’t do so about social issues regarding his campaign but rather to know him opinion on economic issues. It could be said that he is running a very conservative campaign and is sticking to massive public outreach, the old fashioned way.
Mitt Romney has been attacked in debates because of his notion to “flip-flop” on many key issues. The video above is of Mitt Romney and his views on abortion. In time people do change their opinions but this is just one of the many that he is being targeted for.
Mitt Romney has also been the target of comedians for his views and character. Bill Maher shares his belief on how he would combine the states with his religion.
The latest headline about Mitt Romney is how he is likely to win South Carolina. According to CBS news poll 4 out of 10 Republicans believe Mitt Romney will beat President Obama in the general election. This is a vast number although it is a poll. This means that 4 out of 10 Republicans want to vote for Romney in the primaries in hopes and aspirations that he would beat Obama. The remaining 6 of the 10 voters scatter to other candidates such as Herman Cain and Rick Perry. Many voters say it is still to early to tell who will be on top and who they wish to be on top. In essence many voters don’t know yet whom they wish to vote for in the GOP. This leads back to great disbelief and impossibility in the GOP candidates. One thing for sure is that the national poll fluctuates and changes pretty rapidly over the course of time. Those on top have varied and the only difference in Mitt Romney’s case is that he is always on top with vast number in 2nd place or a variation thereof. Mitt Romney is holding 1st place and people seem to pick him as the best candidate to go against Obama. In time we will see if Mitt Romney succeeds.
The latest headlines on America’s economy deal with poverty. America is a striving country and the unemployment rate increased this week to over 9%. Roughly, 46.2 million people are currently living in poverty. There are more Americans in poverty now than during the great depression and although the population has increased this is still detrimental. The GOP has a lot to say about this and is blaming Obama for not making changes during his Presidency.
Mitt Romney stated that if we keep “spending and borrowing” we would end up like Greece. Barack Obama is being attacked for this economic downfall and Mitt Romney is gaining a lot from this. Romney says that by 2016 America must have 200 billion in annual savings. Romney presented a 3-step process for cutting federal costs but still maintaining military spending. Mitt Romney as President stated that he would make the government more productive. He wants to cutback programs that he feels are unnecessary. One downfall of his program was to give the states power of governmental program such as Medicaid and limit them. The middle-class would not benefit this and he is surely to lose a lot of voters for this.
Other Romney proposals that can be found on are as follows:
- Re-structuring Social Security and Medicare, including letting seniors choose between federal coverage and private health insurance plans
- Reducing foreign aid to countries that don't need it and countries "that oppose American interests."
- Cutting the size of the federal workforce and linking government salaries to private sector salaries
- Combining wasteful government agencies
Michele Bachman has gained from Herman Cain’s sexual allegations speaking out about how he is not right for candidacy. She stated that he is all about personality but not governing a nation. Bachman said her tax system is simple and fair and would help improve the economy. She states that the debt ceiling is a failure f leadership in essence she too blames Obama for the nations grown poverty. She voted no on the home affordable mortgage program and that is something that should be looked at closely by voters.
On a poll from the University of Texas showed that 65% say Perry does not deserve credit for Texas’s boost in economy. He was the governor for 10 years but it seems as though people don’t feel he had anything to do with the states economical increase. It is true that under his administration Texas has an increase of 1 million jobs but he is not accredited for this. It seems as though the GOP is not favored. The great issue at hand is poverty within the nation and rather than blaming the current administration the GOP has to prove what they will do to fix it but they haven’t.
The video above is Barack Obamas job bill. It has not been passed by congress but he is taking initiative to get it passed bits by bits. He is truly striving to make a change and helping the nation distort from poverty. The GOP can try and blame the Obama administration but this is simply not true. What needs to be done now is an extensive study of what each candidate will do to improve the nation. They don’t seem to have a sough out plan but Obama does.
Herman Cain in this video discusses how he never sexually harassed anyone. It believes these fabrications to be “baffling”.
As Herman Cain is campaigning startling news come out about him during his time working for The National Restaurant Association. Three women who were his co-workers are accusing Herman Cain of sexual harassment. The woman stated that they were uncomfortable with him in the workplace. During the 1990s many of Herman Cain’s female workers complained to superiors about his sexual nature and aggressive tone. One of them truly wants to speak out but is currently bound by confidentiality with The National Restaurant Association. With her lawyer she is trying to end these restrictions, as she no longer works there. In time thorough details of these cases will probably be released and examined. The woman are said to have received 5 figure settlements after filing their complaints and left the company thereafter.
Herman Cain denies that as the head of The National Restaurant Association he did not sexually harass anyone and that the accusations simply represent unfair attacks towards him. He says these personal attacks are “unsubstantiated” and simply rumors that don’t hold to facts.
Herman Cain supporters seem to be standing by him and stating that this is a baseless stories probably brought about by Liberals and being sustained by bad journalism. Others are stating that this is undeniable, as three women have stepped out claiming sexual harassment.
In this video Herman Cain admits of being accused but not being aware of a settlement after. He briefly states that while working at The National Restaurant Association he was falsely accused of sexual harassment but nothing was done because of the “baseless” accusation. He says that people have “attested to his character and integrity” as he was innocent and is and was falsely accused. He calls this a “cloud” that is put over his campaign but ensures everyone that the truth will come out and he will prevail.
The video below is of John Stewart poking fun of Herman Cain and the position he currently finds himself in. This was not taken lightly by Donald Trump.
Donald Trump’s Response below
Donald Trump who was poked at for possibly running as a candidate supports The GOP and disgraces Jon Stewarts work. Some say that this video is over-the top as Jon Stewart is a comedian who has a political show on Comedy Central. It is expected for Stewart to attack political figures and no one has missed his comedic spotlight. Donald Trump states that this is truly a “racist rant” yet in fact he has had trouble with racism in the past. In essence Trump is right that if anyone else did this it would be a disaster because they aren’t the ones with a very open comedy Central show that makes fun of politics and other aspects of political or social media. Nothing has truly changed in Jon Stewarts show only new people to make fun of.
Herman Cain’s story is startling up a lot of drama and conclusions. The mystery still remains if these allegations are true but only time will tell. In the link below Herman Cain still remains on top in the national poll. This scandal has not hurt him but rather gained him for fame and awareness.