Friday, November 11, 2011

Rick Perry The Doer

Rick Perry stands 4th in the national poll for the GOP candidates.  This former Texas governor once stood strong in first place until people heard him speak.  His debates have not helped improve the image of Perry as it could be said that he is not the best debater.  Rick Perry himself has poked fun at his down fall by stating, “maybe one day I’ll be a good debater.

Rick Perry’s latest ad is titled, “Rick Perry is a doer, not a talker” and it targets Obama.  He states that he is not a “slick politician or a man with vast teleprompter skills” he links this to him not being a speaker but rather someone who gets things done.  In a sense this interplays with his lack of authority at Presidential Debates.  Commentators say that the money he spent on it was money well spent.  The ad totaled $975,000 and began running on November 1st.  The initial statement is that he is actually a successful governor and is saying the President Barack Obama is simply a coached politician.   Rick Perry seems to be getting the buzz that George Bush has received.  “He is funny as hell”  “I’d like to grab a beer with that guy” Some people view rick Perry as a funny guy who can’t run a country but wish to see where he goes in the campaign in terms of entertainment.  Other advocates are truly pushing for Rick Perry as a candidate.  It could be agreed that to the public he seems more of a joke at the moment than anything.   Perry talks about his substance and how he has a lot to give to this country.  He never fails to talk about his success in Texas in terms of jobs.   Rick Perry also point out at the great economy in Texas.  Average citizens debate this notion with the ordeals that most job increases went to government and that all the money came from oil. 

The last GOP debate did not help Rick Perry in his campaign.  Although he has admitted to not doing well perhaps he should have taken time to prepare, as this is an imperative part to campaigning.  Million of people at home have to see the tragedy that is Rick Perry’s public speaking and that is not helping.  Belo is a video of Rick Perry forgetting his own plans for America. 

Rick Perry was discussing in the debate, which three departments he wishes to do away with.  It is said that he might have forgotten because there are so many un-important agencies that must be eliminated and some reformed.  Others may say that this is not an average stumble and that this is an aspect that makes Rick Perry not equitable to run against Barack Obama.  One thing for sure is tha this video is correct on some aspects.  Rick Perry is definitely not a talker or a model politician.  He has a lot he needs to work on.  He states that he is a doer but it can be agreed that to be President of our country you must have the whole package or else you are not moving forward as a nation.  Rick Perry still has time to get his act together and his poll ratings up but for him to lead any time soon is unlikely.   Rick Perry must learn to be a talker and a doer.   

Rick Perry's Top 10 List on David Letterman

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