Friday, November 11, 2011

Is Mitt It?

The link above leads you to the GOP national poll.  The poll has changed over time but there is something striking about the poll.  Mitt Romney is in the lead followed by Herman Cain and then Gingrich.  This is a top 3 that could not have been predicted and is quite stunning.  It has been rumored that Mitt Romney would be the man on top as it gets closer to the primaries but who knew he’d be number one this soon.  It’s taken some time but Herman Cain’s scandal seems to slowly be disintegrating his ratings in the poll. 

Mitt Romney does not want to return to his 2008 primaries where he landed in fourth place.  It seems as though he will truly end up on top, as spectators seem to say.  The problem with Romney seems to be his campaign as a whole.  It is said that he has not sent out a signal letter to constituents interested in voting for him or that have been following him over time.  Mitt Romney’s staff is a small one that is not enforcing his campaign.  He does present himself a lot and speaks publicly but American citizens want more.  Where are Mitt Romney’s TV ads?    Romney has not been the target of any TV ads and people reaching out to him don’t do so about social issues regarding his campaign but rather to know him opinion on economic issues.  It could be said that he is running a very conservative campaign and is sticking to massive public outreach, the old fashioned way. 

Mitt Romney has been attacked in debates because of his notion to “flip-flop” on many key issues.   The video above is of Mitt Romney and his views on abortion.  In time people do change their opinions but this is just one of the many that he is being targeted for. 

Mitt Romney has also been the target of comedians for his views and character.  Bill Maher shares his belief on how he would combine the states with his religion. 

The latest headline about Mitt Romney is how he is likely to win South Carolina.  According to CBS news poll 4 out of 10 Republicans believe Mitt Romney will beat President Obama in the general election.  This is a vast number although it is a poll.  This means that 4 out of 10 Republicans want to vote for Romney in the primaries in hopes and aspirations that he would beat Obama.  The remaining 6 of the 10 voters scatter to other candidates such as Herman Cain and Rick Perry.  Many voters say it is still to early to tell who will be on top and who they wish to be on top.  In essence many voters don’t know yet whom they wish to vote for in the GOP.  This leads back to great disbelief and impossibility in the GOP candidates.   One thing for sure is that the national poll fluctuates and changes pretty rapidly over the course of time.  Those on top have varied and the only difference in Mitt Romney’s case is that he is always on top with vast number in 2nd place or a variation thereof.  Mitt Romney is holding 1st place and people seem to pick him as the best candidate to go against Obama.  In time we will see if Mitt Romney succeeds.   

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