Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cain Fame?

The big question that recently arose during this campaign is, Does Herman Cain have a shot?  On Saturday afternoon Herman Cain has once again shown how much a valuable contender he is for the GOP nomination.  While in Columbia, South Carolina he won the tea party straw poll with an astonishing 55%.  Although straw polls have no initial say on who will be the Republican presidential nominee, Herman Cain seems to have a shot. 

His 9-9-9 plan has gained a lot of different types of attention.  Gingrich who came in second at the poll believes Cain has work to do on his economic plan.  Some people feel as though the plan gives too much advantage to the rich.  They believe he will not win the general election simply because his economic plan will reduce the income of the middle and lower class.   The plan would increase sales tax making it harder for citizens to afford and lowering business sales. Others believe that his 9-9-9 tax structure is perfect compared to what they believe is the mess we have today.  What the plan entails is “9% rate on income taxes, a 9% rate on corporate taxes and a new 9% national sales tax.”  The plan also has undergone scrutiny due to its obvious and exact similarity to the game Sim City 4. 

Herman Cain having a shot at the Presidential nomination falls short when it comes to his radical statements.
"They weren't held back because of racism," Cain says. If they're unemployed or poor, its their own fault – they're just lazy or stupid.
  "A lot of these liberal, leftist folk in this country, that are black, they're more racist than the white people that they're claiming to be racist," Cain said.
 "How dare Herman Cain, first, run as a Republican? How dare Herman Cain be conservative? And how dare he move up in the polls, so that he just might challenge our beloved Obama? That's the problem they have."
Supporters of Herman Cain back these statements and went as far as naming names such as Morgan Freeman, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Jamie Fox, and the President himself. 
Many anti-Cain individuals feel his comments are ruthless and immature.  He has called African Americans brainwashed and now preceding with these comments.  Some feel as though he should stick with real issues and not discuss his views on the people that won’t vote for him and why.  Although these may be issues he must address for his campaign they are not relevant to citizens but rather distorting.  He should be facing and analyzing issues that will fuel a recovery with the economy. 

The link above will lead you to the national poll.  Mitt Romney and Herman Cain are practically tied.  Although Herman Cain is leading in the polls it is believed that he will not hold up for long in the campaign.  Some speculate that he will drop before everyone’s very eyes.  Others feel he will face Obama and lose mercifully.  Some believe Mitt Romney will win the GOP, as he is the most prominent candidate.  Unlike Cain he does not have irrational statements that hurt his campaign.  His campaign is solid and does not have economic plan based on games.  Only time will tell who the GOP nominee will be yet the question still remains…. is the Herman Cain Fame hurting him or helping him?  Will he have a shot? 

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