Saturday, October 8, 2011

Ron Paul Secure

The Ron Paul ad entitled “Secure” states that this GOP representative is a “veteran with a plan to keep America secure”.  The video expresses his belief in securing the border by bringing troops home. He is in great disbelief of the constant spending by acting as policeman overseas.  This republican presidential candidate ensures that he would end all military actions around the world and bring the troops home.  Although the video is getting mixed reviews the overall outcome seems to be a good one.  Some people agree with securing the border but don’t like the militaristic aspect of the ad. 

This ad truly shows how America has descended as a prospering nation.  America has lost over 3 trillion fighting overseas and we can agree with Ron Paul that we must put an end to it.  The war also cost thousands of soldier’s lives.  As war continues and escalates the economy regresses and many are left jobless.  Ron Paul spoke at the Value Voters Summit in Washington D.C. on Saturday October 8, 2011 and said, “ Why is it that we don’t fight to keep the fruits of our labor?”   He received a lot of audience praise and applause after this comment.  In terms of Jobs Ron Paul believes that mandated wages and unions hurt unprotected workers.  When he it comes to immigration he entails to pay attention to Americas borders rather than international borders.  He also doesn’t believe that the 12million immigrants who are in America should not and will not be sent home. 

Ron Paul won the straw poll at the Value Voters Summit with 37% of the votes.  He is gaining media attention and this ad is just the start of him thoroughly expressing his views on issues.  Ron Paul is the only Republican candidate expressing the importance of ending “destructive unconstitutional wars”.  He sees the correlation between the war not having a connection to national security and costly spending that doesn’t better the nation.  Other candidates such as Mitt Romney have recently addressed the issue but Ron Paul is the only one that after thoroughly addressing it released this ad to enforce his statements.  Ron Paul seems to be doing great in straw polls.  He is 5th in the national poll but he is campaigning and hoping to change that.   He has a lot of followers who advocate him and put great organizational effort in getting his name heard and admired.

Although winning straw polls is merely not enough to give Ron Paul the attention he needs he is going through means such as ad campaigns to enforce his candidacy and ensure his followers to not loose sight.  This ad seems to only be the beginning of what this Republican Candidate has in store for his fellow competitors.  Ron Paul like any other candidate wishes to succeed and be the Republican candidate for the 2012 Presidential campaign.  He is taking steps to better his campaign and his advocates are growing.  He addresses the issues of the American people and ensures in Americas prosperity.

To view all of Ron Paul’s past and present thoughts on issues visit the site below:

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