Mitt Romney and Rick Perry frenzied over an illegal argument at the GOP Debate in Las Vegas on October 19th. The attacks were not towards what they believe to be Obama’s failed policy during this debate bur rather at each other. They argued full throttle from issues about taxes, health care, and immigration. It was the most heated debate this GOP will probably have. As you can view in the video above it was hard for anyone to answer a question in its entirety. Mitt Romney has a lot to lose as a front-runner, a lot being his status as a front-runner. It is safe to say that the GOP candidates have never been in such aggressive debate. The candidates attacked each other about prior statements and their history in government.

Perry stated, “You lose all of your standing from my perspective, because you hired illegals in your home, and you knew about it for a year” Continuing that Romney’s policy on illegal immigration in correlation to his actions is a “height of hypocrisy.” Although this is old news dating back to 2006 it shows how Rick Perry is digging deep to attack his main opponent firmly.
Romney then responded, “I’m speaking, I’m speaking,” “This has been a tough couple of debates for Rick, and so I understand that you’re going to get testy.”
“You have a problem with allowing someone to finish speaking.”
Mitt Romney finishes in this video by plundering Rick Perry’s ethics on obvious debate rules such as letting him speak. He goes as far as saying that if he wants to be President he must start by learning how to let others speak and then in essence wait his turn.
Although Mitt Romney seemed to be under attack several times during this particular debate many feel this helped his campaign and lessened others. Mitt Romney was very respectful during the debate and held his grown even when lashed at. The article below from cnn.com talks about how Republicans don’t like Mitt Romney. It states that he in un-relatable and untrustworthy.
In terms of immigration Mitt Romney does not believe in free tuition for illegal immigrants. He also believes that a fence should be built to restrain from future immigrants entering illegally. He has stated that he likes legal immigrations and to let the business determine who gets a visa. Romney has also asked to “turn off the magnet that attracts immigrants.” Romney seems to only be favored because he is believed to be the best to face off Obama. One thing for sure is that Mitt Romney is on top for the time being.
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