Sunday, December 4, 2011
Romney vs. Gingrich
With Herman Cain out of the race many believe and polls currently show that in the long run the race might be Newt Gingrich vs. Mitt Romney. This video above shows the flip flopping but more importantly give the sense of Newt and Mitt who will probably be head to head in the near future trying to win over citizens votes.
Newt Gingrich leads in the National GOP Poll with for the Republican Presidential Nomination with 26.6 % of the votes. Mitt Romney was slightly below with 20.4 percent of the votes but now holding at 16 with Ron Paul above him. Mitt Romney has primarily held the top spot for a while and with consistency and when he decreases only does into the 2nd. This is Newt Gingrich’s first time being a front runner during this campaign and signs have shown that no one else but Romney have been able to stay on top for long.
With Herman Cain’s accusations of adultery and sexual assault this is a time for these two candidates to shine over his voters and take them under their wing. Although Herman Cain is the only one that ahs left the race people say that is narrowing down to a two man race being Romney and Gingrich. Ron Paul has also risen lately over taking Romney’s 2nd places and knocking him down to 3rd. Yet people still say that this is a Romney and Gingrich race.
People say Gingrich needs to take action in his campaign if he wants to remain on top. He recently opened up his first campaign office in Iowa, which is late compared to all other candidate especially past front-runners. Iowa governor also questions if he “delivers” as a candidate and speaker. Yet Gingrich’s sudden rise from the depths of the bottom is what is especially striking and hopeful for him.
Ron Paul was failed to be mentioned in the media but at 2nd place he is rising and his hard work is starting to pay off. It would be very interesting to see Ron Paul, as the front-runner who most say is the one deserving of the spot. Although most news channels and reporters discuss Gingrich and Romney the ones who will be head to head Romney should be a part of that analogy.
On CNN’s State of The Union Ron Paul gave his take of the campaign so far.
“Of course it is very encouraging because we’re getting pretty close to it being within the margin of error,” Paul said. “So, I think we continue to do what we’re doing. We’ve had the flavors of the month up and down so far in this campaign. I’d like to think of myself as the flavor of the decade.”
In a month Iowa will cast their votes and pick their bid for the presidential nomination. Time is approaching and these three candidates have become the top three picks of the nation presidential candidates. One of these 3 GOP nominees could possibly be the next President of the United States of America.
No Cain Train
Herman Cain has suspended his Presidential Campaign after what he says was a distraction to the runners campaign. He was among the front-runners at some point but that declined quickly after allegation of infidelity. He has ended his bid for Presidency in a way that states that if anything we as citizens will be seeing more of him.
Recently Herman Cain was accused of sexual misconduct when he was the CEO of Godfather’s Pizza. May sexual accusations arose towards him. He called them “false accusations” that had no basis and were simply not true in any way. Even though many signs put in a peculiar position he still made it as a front-runner. This shows that Herman Cain had a lot of supporters despite all his bad press.
As a conservative person in the Republican race his stance on abortion was something that would’ve hurt him in the long run. He at one point said that he would leave that to the states, which was not taken lightly by Republican citizens and advocates. He then clarified himself and said that as President he would not help fund plant parenthood and would veto any bill to help the organization.
In a recent Rasmussen Poll 51% of voters agreed that it was right for him to leave the race. A poll was also taken as to why he left to which 45% agreed on his lack of foreign policy knowledge while 43% deemed it to be reference to his sexual allegations. Although Herman Cain’s campaign was suffering and he was facing many distractions, he still held a place in 3rd place, which isn’t the worst decline.

Many people have kind words to say about Herman Cain and actually respected his open mind and ability to speak freely about any matter. Michelle Bachman even stated that he brought a good vibe to the campaign and it would be sad to see him go. Despite his harsh press, Herman Cain was favored by man advocates and entertaining to many spectators. One thing for sure is that the race will not be the same without him. With Herman Cain out it seems as though this will be a battle between Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney as front-runners. The question that lies is who will have the privilege and honor to win over Herman Cain’s voters. In time we will see which candidate has taken the steps to win over their votes and becomes one step closer in being in the next Presidential Race against Barack Obama.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Women for Obama
In the video above, was at the 50th anniversary of the Women Freedom Riders. He honored people that he said helped him on his Road to the White House. By this he means that over 50 years ago Freedom Riders traveled to the south to challenge segregation. If not for this act Barack Obama would not even be President at this moment. Everything that happened to these people endured the civil rights Movement to come about.
During the speech the President stated:
"They believed in a different future for their daughters and for their sons. The Freedom Riders had faith that America could still be perfected. And as has been noted it is only because they did that I am able to stand here as president of the United States of America." He continues: "I promise to keep doing everything I can to help every single American achieve their own piece of the American Dream. It's a promise I'm making as the inheritor of the extraordinary sacrifices that were made by these Freedom Riders."

Barack Obama is taking initiatives to ensure a smooth campaign this upcoming year. He has taken action for the Latin vote and now the female vote. Slowly but surely he is going to attempt every vote. President Barack Obama as the leader of the Nation is still in the lead.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Gingrich on The Rise

Newt Gingrich has strikingly increased in the polls. At one point he was a few of the last in the national polls but since....this has changed.
With great triumph comes the great demise of critical attention. Since his rise Newt Gingrich has been the headliner of many media outlets.
This video above explains all of Newt Gingrich’s scandals that are arising as his campaign rises. As usual constituents have vast opinions on this matter. It seems as though no GOP Presidential candidate is safe from the attacks of the media and American citizens. In essence, no detail of ones life will go unstated or evaluated; especially a Presidential candidates. People sarcastically say, “Thumbs up for separation of corporation and state”. Gingrich was paid over one million for advising the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. It is said that he did no lobbying for the organization but the idea and allegations still remain. He has been under the knife for being a “hypocrite” and stating in the past that people who obtain money from corporations are lobbyist and yet now he is being called out as one as well.
The question that is arising is why is New Gingrich rising in the polls?
Aside form the fact that the other GOP candidates lack authority or decline because of their own misfortunes there are several reasons to his upsurge. His personality seems to be a key factor, as he is viewed as highly charming and approachable. The other factor would be his resume as he has a long line of citizen support. He was very responsible for budget balancing in the 1990s and enacted welfare reform. His important partner was Bill Clinton at the time but that’s an aspect he doesn’t speak of, as it would alter the shine from his accomplishments to him working with the former President. His travel and outspoken advocacy around the nation has proved to be valuable to the candidacy.
Many voter speculations have surfaced about Gingrich. People view him as a wife cheater and this isn’t a good look for a conservative Republican. Many view that him using political influence to make money makes him a lobbyist. Everyone who has been on the top of the GOP pyramid has gotten his or her fare share of gossip and Newt Gingrich is not safe from this.
"I do no lobbying of any kind. I never have. A very important point I want to make. I have never done lobbying of any kind," Gingrich told Fox News Channel.
Newt Gingrich is rising and some may speculate him to be the Mitt Romney’s competition. In time we will see if these allegations that arose about him will affect his campaign. Although he said to have had done no lobbying people will not let this go. The scandal about him handing divorce papers to his wife as she lay in the hospital with cancer is one that will not go over easily. Newt Gingrich has a lot of explaining to do as every other candidate has had to do.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
President Barack Obama and nominee John McCain discuss how they would help the country. The main focus in this portion of the debate is how they would help to improve this economy. This is of vital importance as it shapes your views and portrays what you will do for the country's prosperity as leader.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Rick Perry The Doer
Rick Perry stands 4th in the national poll for the GOP candidates. This former Texas governor once stood strong in first place until people heard him speak. His debates have not helped improve the image of Perry as it could be said that he is not the best debater. Rick Perry himself has poked fun at his down fall by stating, “maybe one day I’ll be a good debater.
Rick Perry’s latest ad is titled, “Rick Perry is a doer, not a talker” and it targets Obama. He states that he is not a “slick politician or a man with vast teleprompter skills” he links this to him not being a speaker but rather someone who gets things done. In a sense this interplays with his lack of authority at Presidential Debates. Commentators say that the money he spent on it was money well spent. The ad totaled $975,000 and began running on November 1st. The initial statement is that he is actually a successful governor and is saying the President Barack Obama is simply a coached politician. Rick Perry seems to be getting the buzz that George Bush has received. “He is funny as hell” “I’d like to grab a beer with that guy” Some people view rick Perry as a funny guy who can’t run a country but wish to see where he goes in the campaign in terms of entertainment. Other advocates are truly pushing for Rick Perry as a candidate. It could be agreed that to the public he seems more of a joke at the moment than anything. Perry talks about his substance and how he has a lot to give to this country. He never fails to talk about his success in Texas in terms of jobs. Rick Perry also point out at the great economy in Texas. Average citizens debate this notion with the ordeals that most job increases went to government and that all the money came from oil.
The last GOP debate did not help Rick Perry in his campaign. Although he has admitted to not doing well perhaps he should have taken time to prepare, as this is an imperative part to campaigning. Million of people at home have to see the tragedy that is Rick Perry’s public speaking and that is not helping. Belo is a video of Rick Perry forgetting his own plans for America.
Rick Perry was discussing in the debate, which three departments he wishes to do away with. It is said that he might have forgotten because there are so many un-important agencies that must be eliminated and some reformed. Others may say that this is not an average stumble and that this is an aspect that makes Rick Perry not equitable to run against Barack Obama. One thing for sure is tha this video is correct on some aspects. Rick Perry is definitely not a talker or a model politician. He has a lot he needs to work on. He states that he is a doer but it can be agreed that to be President of our country you must have the whole package or else you are not moving forward as a nation. Rick Perry still has time to get his act together and his poll ratings up but for him to lead any time soon is unlikely. Rick Perry must learn to be a talker and a doer.
Rick Perry's Top 10 List on David Letterman
Rick Perry's Top 10 List on David Letterman
Is Mitt It?
The link above leads you to the GOP national poll. The poll has changed over time but there is something striking about the poll. Mitt Romney is in the lead followed by Herman Cain and then Gingrich. This is a top 3 that could not have been predicted and is quite stunning. It has been rumored that Mitt Romney would be the man on top as it gets closer to the primaries but who knew he’d be number one this soon. It’s taken some time but Herman Cain’s scandal seems to slowly be disintegrating his ratings in the poll.
Mitt Romney does not want to return to his 2008 primaries where he landed in fourth place. It seems as though he will truly end up on top, as spectators seem to say. The problem with Romney seems to be his campaign as a whole. It is said that he has not sent out a signal letter to constituents interested in voting for him or that have been following him over time. Mitt Romney’s staff is a small one that is not enforcing his campaign. He does present himself a lot and speaks publicly but American citizens want more. Where are Mitt Romney’s TV ads? Romney has not been the target of any TV ads and people reaching out to him don’t do so about social issues regarding his campaign but rather to know him opinion on economic issues. It could be said that he is running a very conservative campaign and is sticking to massive public outreach, the old fashioned way.
Mitt Romney has been attacked in debates because of his notion to “flip-flop” on many key issues. The video above is of Mitt Romney and his views on abortion. In time people do change their opinions but this is just one of the many that he is being targeted for.
Mitt Romney has also been the target of comedians for his views and character. Bill Maher shares his belief on how he would combine the states with his religion.
The latest headline about Mitt Romney is how he is likely to win South Carolina. According to CBS news poll 4 out of 10 Republicans believe Mitt Romney will beat President Obama in the general election. This is a vast number although it is a poll. This means that 4 out of 10 Republicans want to vote for Romney in the primaries in hopes and aspirations that he would beat Obama. The remaining 6 of the 10 voters scatter to other candidates such as Herman Cain and Rick Perry. Many voters say it is still to early to tell who will be on top and who they wish to be on top. In essence many voters don’t know yet whom they wish to vote for in the GOP. This leads back to great disbelief and impossibility in the GOP candidates. One thing for sure is that the national poll fluctuates and changes pretty rapidly over the course of time. Those on top have varied and the only difference in Mitt Romney’s case is that he is always on top with vast number in 2nd place or a variation thereof. Mitt Romney is holding 1st place and people seem to pick him as the best candidate to go against Obama. In time we will see if Mitt Romney succeeds.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
American Poverty
The latest headlines on America’s economy deal with poverty. America is a striving country and the unemployment rate increased this week to over 9%. Roughly, 46.2 million people are currently living in poverty. There are more Americans in poverty now than during the great depression and although the population has increased this is still detrimental. The GOP has a lot to say about this and is blaming Obama for not making changes during his Presidency.
Mitt Romney stated that if we keep “spending and borrowing” we would end up like Greece. Barack Obama is being attacked for this economic downfall and Mitt Romney is gaining a lot from this. Romney says that by 2016 America must have 200 billion in annual savings. Romney presented a 3-step process for cutting federal costs but still maintaining military spending. Mitt Romney as President stated that he would make the government more productive. He wants to cutback programs that he feels are unnecessary. One downfall of his program was to give the states power of governmental program such as Medicaid and limit them. The middle-class would not benefit this and he is surely to lose a lot of voters for this.
Other Romney proposals that can be found on are as follows:
- Re-structuring Social Security and Medicare, including letting seniors choose between federal coverage and private health insurance plans
- Reducing foreign aid to countries that don't need it and countries "that oppose American interests."
- Cutting the size of the federal workforce and linking government salaries to private sector salaries
- Combining wasteful government agencies
Michele Bachman has gained from Herman Cain’s sexual allegations speaking out about how he is not right for candidacy. She stated that he is all about personality but not governing a nation. Bachman said her tax system is simple and fair and would help improve the economy. She states that the debt ceiling is a failure f leadership in essence she too blames Obama for the nations grown poverty. She voted no on the home affordable mortgage program and that is something that should be looked at closely by voters.
On a poll from the University of Texas showed that 65% say Perry does not deserve credit for Texas’s boost in economy. He was the governor for 10 years but it seems as though people don’t feel he had anything to do with the states economical increase. It is true that under his administration Texas has an increase of 1 million jobs but he is not accredited for this. It seems as though the GOP is not favored. The great issue at hand is poverty within the nation and rather than blaming the current administration the GOP has to prove what they will do to fix it but they haven’t.
The video above is Barack Obamas job bill. It has not been passed by congress but he is taking initiative to get it passed bits by bits. He is truly striving to make a change and helping the nation distort from poverty. The GOP can try and blame the Obama administration but this is simply not true. What needs to be done now is an extensive study of what each candidate will do to improve the nation. They don’t seem to have a sough out plan but Obama does.
Mitt Romney stated that if we keep “spending and borrowing” we would end up like Greece. Barack Obama is being attacked for this economic downfall and Mitt Romney is gaining a lot from this. Romney says that by 2016 America must have 200 billion in annual savings. Romney presented a 3-step process for cutting federal costs but still maintaining military spending. Mitt Romney as President stated that he would make the government more productive. He wants to cutback programs that he feels are unnecessary. One downfall of his program was to give the states power of governmental program such as Medicaid and limit them. The middle-class would not benefit this and he is surely to lose a lot of voters for this.
Other Romney proposals that can be found on are as follows:
- Re-structuring Social Security and Medicare, including letting seniors choose between federal coverage and private health insurance plans
- Reducing foreign aid to countries that don't need it and countries "that oppose American interests."
- Cutting the size of the federal workforce and linking government salaries to private sector salaries
- Combining wasteful government agencies
Michele Bachman has gained from Herman Cain’s sexual allegations speaking out about how he is not right for candidacy. She stated that he is all about personality but not governing a nation. Bachman said her tax system is simple and fair and would help improve the economy. She states that the debt ceiling is a failure f leadership in essence she too blames Obama for the nations grown poverty. She voted no on the home affordable mortgage program and that is something that should be looked at closely by voters.
On a poll from the University of Texas showed that 65% say Perry does not deserve credit for Texas’s boost in economy. He was the governor for 10 years but it seems as though people don’t feel he had anything to do with the states economical increase. It is true that under his administration Texas has an increase of 1 million jobs but he is not accredited for this. It seems as though the GOP is not favored. The great issue at hand is poverty within the nation and rather than blaming the current administration the GOP has to prove what they will do to fix it but they haven’t.
The video above is Barack Obamas job bill. It has not been passed by congress but he is taking initiative to get it passed bits by bits. He is truly striving to make a change and helping the nation distort from poverty. The GOP can try and blame the Obama administration but this is simply not true. What needs to be done now is an extensive study of what each candidate will do to improve the nation. They don’t seem to have a sough out plan but Obama does.
Controversial Cain
Herman Cain in this video discusses how he never sexually harassed anyone. It believes these fabrications to be “baffling”.
As Herman Cain is campaigning startling news come out about him during his time working for The National Restaurant Association. Three women who were his co-workers are accusing Herman Cain of sexual harassment. The woman stated that they were uncomfortable with him in the workplace. During the 1990s many of Herman Cain’s female workers complained to superiors about his sexual nature and aggressive tone. One of them truly wants to speak out but is currently bound by confidentiality with The National Restaurant Association. With her lawyer she is trying to end these restrictions, as she no longer works there. In time thorough details of these cases will probably be released and examined. The woman are said to have received 5 figure settlements after filing their complaints and left the company thereafter.
Herman Cain denies that as the head of The National Restaurant Association he did not sexually harass anyone and that the accusations simply represent unfair attacks towards him. He says these personal attacks are “unsubstantiated” and simply rumors that don’t hold to facts.
Herman Cain supporters seem to be standing by him and stating that this is a baseless stories probably brought about by Liberals and being sustained by bad journalism. Others are stating that this is undeniable, as three women have stepped out claiming sexual harassment.
In this video Herman Cain admits of being accused but not being aware of a settlement after. He briefly states that while working at The National Restaurant Association he was falsely accused of sexual harassment but nothing was done because of the “baseless” accusation. He says that people have “attested to his character and integrity” as he was innocent and is and was falsely accused. He calls this a “cloud” that is put over his campaign but ensures everyone that the truth will come out and he will prevail.
The video below is of John Stewart poking fun of Herman Cain and the position he currently finds himself in. This was not taken lightly by Donald Trump.
Donald Trump’s Response below
Donald Trump who was poked at for possibly running as a candidate supports The GOP and disgraces Jon Stewarts work. Some say that this video is over-the top as Jon Stewart is a comedian who has a political show on Comedy Central. It is expected for Stewart to attack political figures and no one has missed his comedic spotlight. Donald Trump states that this is truly a “racist rant” yet in fact he has had trouble with racism in the past. In essence Trump is right that if anyone else did this it would be a disaster because they aren’t the ones with a very open comedy Central show that makes fun of politics and other aspects of political or social media. Nothing has truly changed in Jon Stewarts show only new people to make fun of.
Herman Cain’s story is startling up a lot of drama and conclusions. The mystery still remains if these allegations are true but only time will tell. In the link below Herman Cain still remains on top in the national poll. This scandal has not hurt him but rather gained him for fame and awareness.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Student Debt
In this video Barack Obama discusses College Affordability and the steps he is taking to make this possible. He discusses issues such as lowering monthly payments of student loans. Statistics show that student loans are the 2nd most common debt within a household. President Obama is taking steps towards fixing this problem.
On Wednesday, October 26th Barack Obama Barack Obama spoke to student of the University of Colorado and discussed the future of affordable Education. His plan was to decrease the annual percentage of ones income for payment from 15% to 10%. The plan is said to be in effect in 2012. To qualify for this new act you must have student loans on 2012 and have had loans in one of the previous four years. Forgiveness of all loans is after 25 years of payments but under Obamas plan all loans would be forgiven in 20 years. President Obama has stated that his has been a thorough process is coming up with such a decision. His administration has is worried that the student loan debt has hit 1 trillion in America. This issue is one that has caused a lot of detrimental effects of students. Some students have had to drop out because of their lack to afford or being denied loans. The inability to pay for college is an issue that President Obama wants to make vast changes on. Some college’s cost up to 40,000 in tuitions alone and parents in the future are going to monitor these aspects.
The GOP is also talking about how they would help students with loans. It could be said that this is a tactic to gain the youth vote but whatever that case may be it is indeed an issues that needs to be dealt with. Bachman says that Obamas “college loan plan is an abuse of power that encourages debt dodging”. Some are annoyed that this effect that was supposed to take effect in 2014 has been accelerated by the President to occur sometime this upcoming year. Bachman also said that this would not solve or improve the nation as a whole. GOP candidate Michele Bachman argued that if loans are decreased and forgiven so easily this will affect taxpayers and will push costs in other aspects. Many feel that an individual should be responsible for they college debt. It is true that it is ones duty to pay off our debt but the reality is that when you attend a 50,000/year college for four years and then possibly graduate school son on and so forth, the idea of being able to pay such vast amount seems unlikely.
The administration states that the plan will not cost taxpayers anything and will actually save the nation up to 2 billion. Newt Gingrich called Obama’s plan a “Ponzi Scheme”, stating that his plan would make the nation go bankrupt. The GOP candidates seem to hate Obamas plan and are going against it at all costs. Barack Obama has gained the youths attention with this act. Students truly fear the future because of jobs and our inability to pay off our student debts. It has also become a concern in the household that we cannot continue to further our education because of the great debt we would cause upon ourselves. Barack Obama has caught the youth’s attention while the GOP candidates have not.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
The Perry "Toast"

Link to James Carville’s bunt article on Rick Perry:
Rick Perry on Jobs
In the video he says that as President he will create 2.5 million Jobs as he created 1 million in Texas. Eliminate Obamas regulations that hurt other sources of domestic energy like coal and natural gas. He believes that this is what will create jobs instead of relying on other countries for oil such as Saudi Arabia, Venezuela or The OPEC nations. Some say it is a bad energy and job policy as he unfortunately he doesn’t have an answer for energy sources for the future. His message is relying heavily on fossil fuels and is not discussing renewable resources, which is what we should be looking towards. Rick Perry says that his focus is to bring back jobs from China as he did when governor of Texas. His statistics are that 70% of the jobs created last year were within Texas. Perry wants to repeal the current unemployment surtax, which is said to be temporary.
Rick Perry: Cut, Balance and Grow
On Tuesday, October 25th Rick Perry unveiled his economic plan. Its purpose like all others is to fix the economy and create jobs within the nation. The plan involves getting rid of all the current taxes and replacing it with a flat rate tax of 20%. Americans who are content with the current tax system have the option of keeping it that way or choosing his. The simple flat rate, he said would eliminate taxation on savings and investments. When it comes to the economy Perry has stated that people are tired of spending money on programs they do not use or gain anything from. He is right when he expresses that we cannot spend our way to prosperity. Many say that his tax plan is fair and that it does the job of raising revenue and improving economic growth. “…he can't even roll out his stupid flat tax plan. He steps all over it by saying, "Oh by the way, it's optional anyway." He has managed to couple the flat tax with the IRS bureaucracy in one sentence. Way to go Rick”, James Carville stated.
Link to Transcript of Rick Perry’s Economic Plan:
The question is, is Rick Perry’s Presidential Nomination toast? It seems that the majority of people would think so. Because of his lack of authority in debates or interviews, in reality anything he puts forth after cannot be taken seriously. His take on jobs and economic plan are coming from a man who is now being said not worthy for Presidency. Rick Perry just might be toast…..
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Obama's Bill

The Senate has rejected President Barack Obamas’ job bill on Thursday, which would aid local and state governments to avoid layoffs. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid did announce that the Senate would use part of the jobs bill such as provision of new funding for infrastructures. Republicans are blocking the $447 billion job package at any expense. Democrats and the White House will now attempt to breakdown the Jobs Act into separate job proposals and attempt to get each passed.
12 Reasons why Barack Obama is likely to Win
The question that arises in the mist of Obamas Presidency is will he win re-election of 2012? Barack Obama is campaigning as well as trying to run a country. Although he is having a touch time with Congress there are signs that show he will win the 2012 Presidential election. One sign is that the GOP candidates are uneventful. Although Mitt Romney is the front-runner no one of the candidates aside from Ron Paul who is underappreciated seems to have the authority and characteristics of a President. Barack Obamas “charisma” is said to be an initial part of what will take him to the top. His passion for helping this country is like no other candidate or President ever seen before. Another way that Barakc Obama is said to win is because of the Latino Vote. Although Barack Obama was said to be losing the Latino vote he has taken initiatives and continues doing so to gain and maintain his Latino supporters. Under Barack Obamas Presidency Osama bin Laden was killed and voters definitely say they feel safer. In essence under his Presidency we are “better off now than four years ago.”
12 Reasons why Barack Obama is likely to Win
The question that arises in the mist of Obamas Presidency is will he win re-election of 2012? Barack Obama is campaigning as well as trying to run a country. Although he is having a touch time with Congress there are signs that show he will win the 2012 Presidential election. One sign is that the GOP candidates are uneventful. Although Mitt Romney is the front-runner no one of the candidates aside from Ron Paul who is underappreciated seems to have the authority and characteristics of a President. Barack Obamas “charisma” is said to be an initial part of what will take him to the top. His passion for helping this country is like no other candidate or President ever seen before. Another way that Barakc Obama is said to win is because of the Latino Vote. Although Barack Obama was said to be losing the Latino vote he has taken initiatives and continues doing so to gain and maintain his Latino supporters. Under Barack Obamas Presidency Osama bin Laden was killed and voters definitely say they feel safer. In essence under his Presidency we are “better off now than four years ago.”
Republicans insist that if the job bill is passed, that is an instant win for Barack Obama in the upcoming election. They feel as though this jobs bill is a campaign strategy and not a valid source to create jobs. In essence the bill will not pass the Senate and the House run by the GOP. The job bill would be paid for by a tax increase of 0.5 percent of anyone making for than 1 million a year. The bill would sustain over 400,000 teacher jobs during the year, which has been cut due to the economy over the past several years. The means of funding will be attached to each initial additional plan and proposal. Democrats believe that the increase in taxes of those making over a million a year is an initiative to a better economy. Obama has asked his fellow Democrats within the Senate to hold a series of votes on other aspects of his American Jobs Act. He wants them to examine parts such as tax credits for businesses that hire veterans and the long-term unemployed. Democrats and Obama are assured that many aspects of the bill will be passed such as a 3% payroll tax cut to the first 5 million dollars of a company’s payroll.
“We’re going to give Senate Republicans another chance to do what’s right for America,” Reid said. “They didn’t want to do the whole of the President’s bill. So we’re taking pieces of the President’s bill.”
President Barack Obama has said that our number one focus should be jobs as this would be a solution to our financial crisis. He wishes to end incentives that ship jobs overseas. As President it can be said that Barack Obama has had trouble getting things done because the Republicans simply won’t let him. This is an example of the Presidents great attempt to helping the economy and the opposite party diminishing it.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Romney on Top
Mitt Romney and Rick Perry frenzied over an illegal argument at the GOP Debate in Las Vegas on October 19th. The attacks were not towards what they believe to be Obama’s failed policy during this debate bur rather at each other. They argued full throttle from issues about taxes, health care, and immigration. It was the most heated debate this GOP will probably have. As you can view in the video above it was hard for anyone to answer a question in its entirety. Mitt Romney has a lot to lose as a front-runner, a lot being his status as a front-runner. It is safe to say that the GOP candidates have never been in such aggressive debate. The candidates attacked each other about prior statements and their history in government.

Perry stated, “You lose all of your standing from my perspective, because you hired illegals in your home, and you knew about it for a year” Continuing that Romney’s policy on illegal immigration in correlation to his actions is a “height of hypocrisy.” Although this is old news dating back to 2006 it shows how Rick Perry is digging deep to attack his main opponent firmly.
Romney then responded, “I’m speaking, I’m speaking,” “This has been a tough couple of debates for Rick, and so I understand that you’re going to get testy.”
“You have a problem with allowing someone to finish speaking.”
Mitt Romney finishes in this video by plundering Rick Perry’s ethics on obvious debate rules such as letting him speak. He goes as far as saying that if he wants to be President he must start by learning how to let others speak and then in essence wait his turn.
Although Mitt Romney seemed to be under attack several times during this particular debate many feel this helped his campaign and lessened others. Mitt Romney was very respectful during the debate and held his grown even when lashed at. The article below from talks about how Republicans don’t like Mitt Romney. It states that he in un-relatable and untrustworthy.
In terms of immigration Mitt Romney does not believe in free tuition for illegal immigrants. He also believes that a fence should be built to restrain from future immigrants entering illegally. He has stated that he likes legal immigrations and to let the business determine who gets a visa. Romney has also asked to “turn off the magnet that attracts immigrants.” Romney seems to only be favored because he is believed to be the best to face off Obama. One thing for sure is that Mitt Romney is on top for the time being.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Ron Paul for Life
Although GOP candidate Ron Paul stands in 5th place on the national poll he is taking steps to improve his campaign that others aren’t. These steps are using their campaign dollars for campaign ads. His latest campaign ad is named life and begins with a narrator stating:
"Dr. Ron Paul: More than four thousand babies delivered. A man of faith committed to protecting life."
Within the ad he expresses that he was never able to comprehend the whole notion of not valuing life. Many of his followers don’t like his views on this, as they seem to most be pro-choice. His advocates also feel that this ad should have been replaced with one addressing more sufficient issues that would direct our economy or involvement in war. Some also say it is contradicting because he is one of the candidates who view someone with cancer and no insurance as and unsolvable issue. It is not to say that Ron Paul isn’t a potential candidate. In this second time coming he is definitely improving his campaign. He has 35 years in politics and recently won the Family Research Value Voters straw poll. A family Research Council Leader actually felt that Ron Paul truly isn’t a part of the social conservative community and isn’t as reflective as Herman Cain or Rick Perry.
Over the past two years Ron Paul has held prominent position and winning in straw polls. He won the straw poll at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference and wont the Political Leaders conference contest. On Thursday, October 13 Ron Paul won the Los Angeles County Straw poll. The media ignores all of Paul’s straw poll wins and focus more on those leading the nation poll suck as Herman Cain. On October 19 Ron Paul is leading a campaign titled “Black this out”. It is a witty connotation about him always being excluded in the media spotlight.
In this video we view Ron Paul making a joke about how the media loves him. It is sadly completely the opposite. The media always fails to mention his name. Recently in The New York Daily News, Cain was credited for raising 8 million. In reality Ron Paul was the one that raised this amount coming in 3rd in fundraising within the Republicans. The media failed to share this with the public and every other details of Ron Paul’s campaign. Although media outlets fail to mention his name or credit his success he has not lost sight of himself. His ads have helped his campaign and strengthened his conservativeness. People can fail to get the facts right or simply not include him in them but one thing for sure is Ron Paul is in this campaign.
Cain Fame?
The big question that recently arose during this campaign is, Does Herman Cain have a shot? On Saturday afternoon Herman Cain has once again shown how much a valuable contender he is for the GOP nomination. While in Columbia, South Carolina he won the tea party straw poll with an astonishing 55%. Although straw polls have no initial say on who will be the Republican presidential nominee, Herman Cain seems to have a shot.
His 9-9-9 plan has gained a lot of different types of attention. Gingrich who came in second at the poll believes Cain has work to do on his economic plan. Some people feel as though the plan gives too much advantage to the rich. They believe he will not win the general election simply because his economic plan will reduce the income of the middle and lower class. The plan would increase sales tax making it harder for citizens to afford and lowering business sales. Others believe that his 9-9-9 tax structure is perfect compared to what they believe is the mess we have today. What the plan entails is “9% rate on income taxes, a 9% rate on corporate taxes and a new 9% national sales tax.” The plan also has undergone scrutiny due to its obvious and exact similarity to the game Sim City 4.
Herman Cain having a shot at the Presidential nomination falls short when it comes to his radical statements.
"They weren't held back because of racism," Cain says. If they're unemployed or poor, its their own fault – they're just lazy or stupid.
"A lot of these liberal, leftist folk in this country, that are black, they're more racist than the white people that they're claiming to be racist," Cain said.
"How dare Herman Cain, first, run as a Republican? How dare Herman Cain be conservative? And how dare he move up in the polls, so that he just might challenge our beloved Obama? That's the problem they have."
Supporters of Herman Cain back these statements and went as far as naming names such as Morgan Freeman, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Jamie Fox, and the President himself.
Many anti-Cain individuals feel his comments are ruthless and immature. He has called African Americans brainwashed and now preceding with these comments. Some feel as though he should stick with real issues and not discuss his views on the people that won’t vote for him and why. Although these may be issues he must address for his campaign they are not relevant to citizens but rather distorting. He should be facing and analyzing issues that will fuel a recovery with the economy.
The link above will lead you to the national poll. Mitt Romney and Herman Cain are practically tied. Although Herman Cain is leading in the polls it is believed that he will not hold up for long in the campaign. Some speculate that he will drop before everyone’s very eyes. Others feel he will face Obama and lose mercifully. Some believe Mitt Romney will win the GOP, as he is the most prominent candidate. Unlike Cain he does not have irrational statements that hurt his campaign. His campaign is solid and does not have economic plan based on games. Only time will tell who the GOP nominee will be yet the question still remains…. is the Herman Cain Fame hurting him or helping him? Will he have a shot?
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Ron Paul Secure
The Ron Paul ad entitled “Secure” states that this GOP representative is a “veteran with a plan to keep America secure”. The video expresses his belief in securing the border by bringing troops home. He is in great disbelief of the constant spending by acting as policeman overseas. This republican presidential candidate ensures that he would end all military actions around the world and bring the troops home. Although the video is getting mixed reviews the overall outcome seems to be a good one. Some people agree with securing the border but don’t like the militaristic aspect of the ad.

Ron Paul won the straw poll at the Value Voters Summit with 37% of the votes. He is gaining media attention and this ad is just the start of him thoroughly expressing his views on issues. Ron Paul is the only Republican candidate expressing the importance of ending “destructive unconstitutional wars”. He sees the correlation between the war not having a connection to national security and costly spending that doesn’t better the nation. Other candidates such as Mitt Romney have recently addressed the issue but Ron Paul is the only one that after thoroughly addressing it released this ad to enforce his statements. Ron Paul seems to be doing great in straw polls. He is 5th in the national poll but he is campaigning and hoping to change that. He has a lot of followers who advocate him and put great organizational effort in getting his name heard and admired.

To view all of Ron Paul’s past and present thoughts on issues visit the site below:
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Cain Controversy
The link below can take you to the national poll of the GOP. Herman Cain’s name was one of the last a few weeks ago but he has gained momentum and is slowly rising in the polls.
Herman Cain rising in the polls is intriguing and questionable. How? He was at 5% two weeks ago in the polls but is now at 17%. The Cain Train’s increase in popularity as a GOP representative brings about opportunities but also conveys challenges. All of this occurs in the mist of him going on a book tour. Many believe it is questionable how serious he is about the presidential election as he planned a book tour for October that will keep him busy. He recently lost his communications director, which may show that his staff does not believe in him. The book is titled, “This is Herman Cain! My Journey to The Whitehouse” and could either hurt or enforce his campaign. Herman Cain seems to be gaining momentum despite his sharp statements. His book is simply about his story to get to where he is now. The book description says that when he speaks other listen and that when he debates, he wins. It also goes as far as saying that if you believe in the future of America then he is the candidate that must be voted into office.
Herman Cain has had a lot to say about Barack Obama and the way he has ran the country or affected people. He had previously said that, “Many African Americans have been brainwashed into not being open-minded, not even considering a conservative point of view”.
View video below:
Discussions have presided in the African American community whether this is true or not and the outcomes have varied both ways. Cain also issued a statement in regards to the Occupy Wall Street protests.
“I don't have facts to back this up, but I happen to believe that these demonstrations are planned and orchestrated to distract from the failed policies of the Obama administration. Don't blame Wall Street, don't blame the big banks, if you don't have a job and you're not rich; blame yourself! ... It is not someone's fault if they succeeded; it is someone's fault if they failed.” Once again these blunt statements may hurt Herman Cain’s campaign but it seems that even his honesty is wont stop his momentum. When it comes to corporations Herman asked the question, “When was the last time a poor person gave you a job?” It seems as though someone who ran a corporation would want to run this country as so. His 9-9-9 economic plans do not seem to benefit the middle or lower class. It is hard to tell how he is gaining momentum or from who. Yet it is clear that Republican advocates are on board with what he is providing as a candidate. When it comes to budget and economy he wishes for a proposal to block spending and debt.
Herman Cain’s campaign is a controversy in itself, as many don’t understand how he has increased in the polls. It could just be a matter of not having any better candidates. When Herman Cain won the straw poll for Florida many Republican advocates said that they simply voted for him because they didn’t like the other candidates and/or how they handles themselves during the debate.
The question of Herman Cain’s momentum is if he is truly succeeding as a Tea Party Member or if the other candidates are simply failing. Herman Cain is causing great controversy within the GOP. After making statements about Barack Obama brainwashing African Americans, theories have struck that when Cain gains momentum Obama loses it. Why Herman Cain is succeeding in the polls. Is he truly a potential candidate? Only time will tell.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Occupy Wall Street
Occupy Wall Street is an organization against the corruption that they believe to be Wall Street. They oppose corporate influence over United States politics and the lack of measures to fix the global financial crisis. To demonstrate how important this cause is they plan to literally and initially occupy Wall Street. In essence this group will continue mass protests in the financial district until their demands are met. On October 1st 2011, 700 protesters marched over the Brooklyn Bridge. Rather than being on the pedestrian walkway they were on the lanes causing a blockade for cars. Many people feel that this is one of the most altering political movements. The main demand from the protestors in the Occupy Wall Street movement is for Barack Obama to proclaim an end to the stimulus that money has over representatives in Washington. This resistance movement filled with all demographics has a common statement about government, business corruption, and the wealthy 1% in correlation with policy making. This movement that has been said to be a response to the Tea Party movement is important to the 2012 election. Occupy Wall Street has found a primal cause that will influence peoples perspective on issues such as the economy and corporations.
President Barack Obama has not directly reached out to Occupy Wall Street but has been promoting for the tax increase initiatives on corporations and that 1 percent. He wishes to eliminate the “loopholes” that are used by corrupt individuals. The movement acknowledges that Obama is doing all he can to ensure the tax increase and corporation initiative but still want to be heard and make a vast statement. In terms of budget and the economy President Obama has provided a promising financial bailout and stimulus package that would increasingly help the economy. In his financial bailout he actually mentions the importance to “pay attention to main street not just wall street”.
Several things the organization is against as listed on the Occupy Wall Street website which can be visited with the link below: elected official member of our Congress should be allowed to : Have personal holdings or be CEO of or in a corporation that has any dealings AT ALL with the US Govt> (CAN WE SAY CHENEY/HALLBURTON?) incl research and pharmaceutical companies.
Elected officials should not be allowed to own and or trade stocks in the corporations they are SUPPOSED to be regulating IN THE BEST INTEREST of the people. (Talk about insider trading:)
That is and has been a BLATANT conflict of interest, and the root of many problems. Sure they know what stock to buy, they plan to approve the product next month>
Take away the trough and the pigs will disperse. DO THAT AND MANY THINGS WILL RIGHT THEMSELVES>
Ron Paul speaks out about concerns that deal with Occupy Wall Street
Ron Paul has recently sunk in the national republican nomination poll. He has commented on Occupy Wall Street and warned against the militarization of police when protests like so occur. The protest that took place had a lot of supporters of Ron Paul. He was asked his thoughts after a town hall meeting in New Hampshire and said, "If they were demonstrating peacefully," Paul told me, "and making a point, and arguing our case, and drawing attention to the Fed–I would say, good!"
When it comes to budget and economy Ron Paul feels we spent too much on the war, which is effectively true with 1.5 trillion. His thoughts are to cut spending, as this country is bankrupt. He also believes that “Wall Street is pouring its troubles onto Main Street”. In terms of corporations he says, “People are individuals…not companies”. He believes that individuals should be responsible for corporations and have the most rights rather than the corporation.
This picture below shows how important this movement is to the upcoming election. It is directly protesting against a cause that has cause great turmoil in the economy. President Barack Obama and The Tea Party must address these issues and ensure their potential voters what they’re initiative is to solve the crisis that is our Economy.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Who will Latinos Vote for?
President Barack Obama sat down for an interview with Latino news outlets in attempts to gain Latino voters. He answered questions about immigration reform and addressed many Latino issues. Polls show that he is decreasing in approval ratings from that demographic. He began by stating that we are a nation of laws but also of immigrants. President Obama expresses that immigrants have strengthened America’s economy and culture. He believes that there needs to be a system that works for everyone. Border Security is something that has been enforced but the people who are here should have a “pathway to get out of the shadows and contribute to society in a way that is compatible with tradition of everyone being responsible and following the law.” He stated that illegal immigrants would have to pay a fee and do things such as learn English. Democrats are in favor of Comprehensive Immigration Reform but because the Senate is Republican majority the President can’t get this reform in action. Under his Presidency America has been fair, humane, and as just as possible with illegal immigrants. Many immigrants have businesses and Obama wants to make sure that they are being given their opportunities. They will have tax breaks to be able to hire more workers and expand their business. Statistics show that the unemployment rate is at 11% for Latinos and his goal is to get the economy growing and get people back to work. President Obama has created more than 2 million jobs but so many were lost that there is still this recovery process. His infrastructure projects would create a lot of jobs and give jobs to Latinos. The Job Bill would expand the gross domestic product with 1.9 million people with jobs, which would significantly decrease the unemployment rate. The Latino college enrollment rate has increased significantly under his presidency and there is much more money being given to students in college. Obama has a plan of bringing manufacturing back to the United States in areas such as vehicles in creating more efficient cars. He also plans on a growth industry in technology. Obama desires young people to be trained and equipped for the future. Latino students are a large growing group and he views us as the workforce of the future.
Click to view the roundtable interview:
The GOP has also tried to reach out to the Latino community in hopes to get us to vote Republican this 2012 election. Rick Perry has visited New York and met with Latino business people in hopes of gaining public outreach. Rick Perry’s view on immigration is that the border needs to be secured but not by a wall but rather with Rangers patrolling. When it comes to education he believes that immigrant kids need to be educated and that there be discounted in state tuition regardless of immigration status. Mitt Romney’s views on immigration are quite the opposite to that of Rick Perry’s. Romney believes that there should be a 2,600-mile fence with guards to secure it. He also does not believe immigrants should get free tuition. The Democratic point of view differs vastly from the Republicans when it comes to Latino voters and how to gain their acceptance. This all leads to the important decision Latinos have to make on this upcoming election.
Click to view the roundtable interview:
The GOP has also tried to reach out to the Latino community in hopes to get us to vote Republican this 2012 election. Rick Perry has visited New York and met with Latino business people in hopes of gaining public outreach. Rick Perry’s view on immigration is that the border needs to be secured but not by a wall but rather with Rangers patrolling. When it comes to education he believes that immigrant kids need to be educated and that there be discounted in state tuition regardless of immigration status. Mitt Romney’s views on immigration are quite the opposite to that of Rick Perry’s. Romney believes that there should be a 2,600-mile fence with guards to secure it. He also does not believe immigrants should get free tuition. The Democratic point of view differs vastly from the Republicans when it comes to Latino voters and how to gain their acceptance. This all leads to the important decision Latinos have to make on this upcoming election.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
The Cain Train
The Cain Train is building up success after winning the Straw Poll in Florida. Businessman Herman Cain won 37 percent of the votes. That is 2,600 votes from Republicans that came from all over the nation to observe the GOP debate. Republican activists seek a candidate that is conservative on all issues but also has a history of this as well. They want a politician who will put up a good fight when debating Barack Obama. Herman Cain’s win has been perceived in many different ways and is in question if this momentum will last.
Cain’s win could be a sign that the other candidates are simply not pleasing the Republican body of America. Party activists have said that they don’t think he is strong enough to win the general election. They also added that his win was simply a “no confidence vote for the entire field”. Rick Perry who leads the polls was expected to win but didn’t after his performance in the last GOP debate. Activists say that Perry is not a “skilled or natural” debater and it is simply not his strong suit. Herman Cain delivered a speech prior to the straw poll that surely got their votes. In the past Republicans who have won the Florida straw poll such as Ronald Reagan, George Bush, and Robert J. Dole have gone on to the general election. Yet these same voters that backed Cain assured that he would not go any further.
Piers Morgan had Morgan Freeman on his show who had a lot to say about The Tea Party. He stated that the GOP’s only mission was to get Barack Obama out of the white house. Freeman feels that everyone running and their activists have a racist mind set. Herman Cain responded to these remarks saying that Freeman is not aware of what the Tea Party really is and fears the political movement that they bring forth. In essence Cain took his comments as a sign of intimidation rather than bashful towards him, his peers, and what they stand for.
Although Cain won the straw poll there are several things that might come back to hurt his campaign in the future. He made a controversial statement about social security calling it a “scam”. He has also had to apologize to Muslim Americans. Cain had suggested in the past that it was okay for communities to ban mosques. This controversy could possibly haunt him and his election. Cain is also not a prime candidate because of his low budget campaign and not having activists or presence in major cities.
Cain has yet to make a difference in the national poll. And as stated before only won the Florida straw poll because of the activists displease with the rest of the Tea Party’s inability to debate and answer questions in a perfected manner. This businessman from Georgia has created momentum for himself that may or may not lead him to the general election, yet it is clear that he will try.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
The Great Debaters?
It's hard to decide what to focus on when it comes to the Republican GOP. The audience at their debate was controversial enough. What you can take away from the debate is that someone without health insurance and with cancer should not be abandoned to die and the death penalty is not something to clap about. Also, soldiers, regardless of sexual orientation, should not be booed.
Ron Paul was asked a hypothetical question about a 30 year old dying of cancer without health insurance and if he should be helped. They asked the congressman if he thought this man should die and people in the audience yelled yes. The audience also loudly clapped at Rick Perry’s state record of execution. A gay soldier asked former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum if he would continue with the progress for gay and lesbian soldiers in the military. The audience proceeded to boo him and no one assessed this wrongful action.
Congressman Ron Paul stirred the audience in a good manner evoking the 10th Amendment that states that the federal government is limited only to the powers stated in the Constitution. He stated an intention to veto every bill that violates or goes against the 10th Amendment. Ron Paul says that the federal government should have no authority to control the states schools, economy, or “what we do with our personal lives”. He assures he would restore the system if elected President.
Mitt Romney and Rick Perry clearly did their research calling each other out when it came to their perspectives on issues and how it differed in their books. Romney said that Perry had stated that social security was unconstitutional and should be ended as a program. On his website Rick Perry sets the record straight on his current views and how he simply feels that the system needs a change.
Controversially on Mitt Romney’s website he claims that Rick Perry wants to “dismantle” Social Security.
Rick Perry called out Mitt Romney on “Romney Care” stating that it was exactly what Obama Care was about. Perry even went as far as saying that Romney changed his book later on to hide this fact. Romney regained himself by speaking of candidates and how they improved their state but how he “will turn around the nation”. The two feuded back and forth in a he said- he said manner.
The GOP Debate was intriguing. Perry and Romney called each other out in wrongfully portraying their thoughts on major issues. Their feud was intensified with questions of past and present stance on social security and health care reform. The Tea Party had an audience that does not have respect for military equals simply because they are gay. Their audience does not value equals and condoles horrible acts of death. The controversy and inadequacy of the debate is enough to make one vote Democrat this 2012 elections.
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